In Wonderland, Tita transforms, experiences adventures and is confronted with the absurd, the impossible, questioning everything she has learned so far. The body as an eternal novelty.
An artistic creation based on subjective physicality, political body and dance as a primal need. A combination of performance, installation, dance and music, that raises questions in order to blur the idea of BODY and LANGUAGE. The dramaturgy is based on the journey of a trans woman and artist-performer, supported by the psychophysical changes of gender transition, to create a bodily repertoire that communicates through the subjectivities and powers of this body.
Wonderland claims to dance the novelty, the unknown and the encounter. Mixing “Alice in Wonderland”, the famous novel of Lewis Carrol, with the history and intimacies of Tita Maravilha.
Directed and performed: Tita Maravilha
Sound Direction: Cigarra
Art direction: Marine Sigaut
Lighting: Lui L'Abbate
Audiovisual director: Gadutra